Song #0 – Irish Goodbye In Reverse

Lately, since there’s not much else to do, I’ve been writing up a storm, fleshing out ideas that have been sitting on my voice recorder app for years. By last count, I’ve got about 30 songs ready to record. I’d like to do things differently in the coming year. So, dear reader, you can expect a new song for your ears every week or so. To pique your interest, here’s one. It’s called “Irish Goodbye In Reverse“. This is a song about the time Lorne Michaels of SNL offered a comedic amount of money to reunite The Beatles, which John and Paul happened to be watching together that very night.

This is the thing I was talking about up there ☝🏽

Irish Goodbye In Reverse

Two of them
sitting in the TV room
Lighting up a smoke or two
With nothing to prove

The producer 
Talking from across the screen
Offering a bundle of green 
To empty out the woodwork

Wouldn’t it be a laugh
If we stole a yellow cab
From the park to the 30
To the rock all the people

Wouldn’t it be a scream 
If we showed up on the screen
With our finest 
Irish goodbye 
in reverse

Two of them
sitting the TV room
Lighting up a smoke or two
With nothing to prove

The picture
After the saxophone
Waving to the folks at home
canvas of color and a dial tone

There is no bridge
To take us to what 
could have been
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