Song #6 – Many Multitudes

Sometimes a song just comes to you and you’re happy you have a guitar and a device to quickly get a sketch down. I really like this one, there’s something really immediate about it. It’s very simple, like an Roy Orbison or Buddy Holly song, of course done “a la mode“.

Since I haven’t yet done this since posting these weekly songs, I think this a great opportunity to illustrate the evolution of a song. Here’s the quick voice memo I recorded when I got the idea back on Dec 4th last year:

Very simple guitar pattern and 80% of the lyrics more or less written. Like I said, I got slapped in the face with this one.

In the interim, I decided that the main guitar line wasn’t very memorable. I kept fiddling and decided I wanted something a bit like The La’s “There She Goes”. That guitar line is up there as one of my favorite guitar parts of all time. Heck, it might be one of my favorite songs! As I recall, I was reminded of it when I later heard the opening to the Smashing Pumpkins song “Today” for the first time. That was a life-changing MTV viewing…

Back to the song. At first, the recording was getting to be a bit too twee for my liking. I nudged it in a slightly beefier direction and “viola!”, cool song. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Many Multitudes

It’s good right!? You should probably share this with your friends.
I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

They’ve seen you kicking ‘round 
this great big world

They like the jive that you give
They like the cut of your jib

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

You have a lot of fans
and you don’t even know

They like the things you don’t 
like about you, girl

They like that you give lip
To all the cool kids

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

Been triple rainbows
Since you’ve been ‘round here
I’m glad you came though 
Even if there’s some tears
…’round here

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl
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