Song #11 – Ode To Slumber

Starting in 6th grade and up until the winter of 7th, I was blossoming into my own version of Red Panda, in that a vague hint of a mustache appeared like a looming shadow below my nose. For some reason, I was not allowed to shave this monstrosity off, and so by existing in middle school, I casually collected the loveably delightful nickname “Wolfboy”. I was not doing good in 7th grade.

A few years ago we took a trip to LA and ended up in Venice Beach for a bit. There was a very entertaining hip hop dance troop busking. As adequate as they were at break dancing, they really shone when it came to hustling. The MC kept promising some elaborate trick that never really materialized. They were fun though, and I’m glad that I recorded the clip you hear at the beginning of this song. I’m extra thrilled that it seemed to line-up so well!

You can hear the announcer refer to “J-Wolf”. My name starts with a “J” and as my 7th grade nickname was “Wolfboy”…

I’ve not been feeling great this week, so I chalk it up as a minor miracle that “J-Wolf” has been able to pull this one off.

Ode To Slumber

I’ve got a lot things to do
But I’m short on summertime
Gotta wanna have a thing to say
But, I’m short on the supply

I just wanna lay me down
I don’t wanna let you down

Here’s a blanket for my feet today
And a pillow for my head
I’m reaching for my dreams today
They’re the ones inside my bed

I just wanna lay me down
I don’t wanna let you down

Inside I’m 
All neon sound

I just wanna lay me down
I don’t wanna let you down
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