Song #7 – Icebox Magnet Status

If you’re going to have a name like Strange Magic, it’s probably a good idea to do something slightly trippy every once in a while. Just to change things up.

It feels like interest has fallen off in the past few weeks, which has made my enthusiasm wane a bit. I’m going to blame Wordle for this one. Unfortunately – unlike a tree falling in the forest – I require feedback. Give me a sign out there people! Is this thing on?

Because of Wordle, I dragged my feet getting this one recorded, and then I beat myself up for not getting it done in a timely manner. Like long walks, and eating vegetables, I need to remember that I always feel better after getting some music done.

Icebox Magnet Status

You know what to do
Something like, Erasing, Facing
Kind of Irritating, Misplacing
It’s over my head

I think we’re alright!

If you’re Implicating, Waiting
Making it, Frustrating
Saying, It’s over my head

I think you’re alright!

After all it’s not such a bad thing
To get lost and long for the wrong thing

Ever been, abating, trading
All of your playing
And praying
It’s of off your head

I think you’re alright!

Talk about the hating, staying
Wring your fingers, waiting 
Praying, it’s out my hands

I think we’re alright!

After all it’s not such a bad thing
To get lost and long for the wrong thing

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