Song #9 – Dunce Cap Hood Brigade

I’m just blowing off some steam on this one. People are frustrating ya know? But sometimes they can also surprise you.

One morning I took the train up to Santa Fe for work. I like to sit in the top deck and occasionally take in the sights while I catch up on things. That particular morning the train was unusually packed. I think the state legislature was in session. An actual cowboy looking fella got my attention and asked if he could sit with me. Which I obliged.

Upon first impression I figured his guy would want to keep to himself. He seemed a little nervous. I just kept to my work. As soon as we got to Santo Domingo Pueblo he started talking about how many friends he has at the different Pueblos and how much he loves attending various feast days. He told me that he lived in the east mountains and has a ranch. He was concerned about some gun control legislation that was going to be taken up that day, which is why he was heading north that day.

When it comes to guns, he and I were diametrically opposed in our views. But, I found a way to communicate my concerns and try propose some ways that folks can take some responsibility for their guns should they choose to have them. We didn’t agree, but we had a good healthy discussion and were able to gain some mutual understanding.

Sitting there, face to face, just two people on train, I think we mostly enjoyed our chat. He actually really seemed like a sweet guy.

It’s pretty clear that our online personas can bring out the worst in one another, but I think if we just sat down and spent time with each other – no matter how different we might appear to be – we’d find commonality and hopefully connection. I think that’s what we really crave, but in these times, we’ve forgotten how to do it.

There are folks who might be hopeless in this regard. Some people take up knitting or pottery as a hobby, and others choose hate as a way to pass the time. This song is for those folks.

Dunce Cap Mask Brigade

Not fit to run but you can hide
Behind a browser ten tabs wide

You’ve got your freedoms 
And you’re flag!

Stations of the cross rifle bag

You are a card carrying member
Of the dunce cap hood brigade

Your style is 80 years too late
Never met a person you can’t hate

Carpet of hair upon your chest

Negative score on your IQ test

You are a card carrying member
Of the dunce cap hood brigade

You can’t help but fail
‘Cause you’ve got a hammer 
And everything looks like a nail
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