Song #9 – Dunce Cap Hood Brigade

I’m just blowing off some steam on this one. People are frustrating ya know? But sometimes they can also surprise you.

One morning I took the train up to Santa Fe for work. I like to sit in the top deck and occasionally take in the sights while I catch up on things. That particular morning the train was unusually packed. I think the state legislature was in session. An actual cowboy looking fella got my attention and asked if he could sit with me. Which I obliged.

Upon first impression I figured his guy would want to keep to himself. He seemed a little nervous. I just kept to my work. As soon as we got to Santo Domingo Pueblo he started talking about how many friends he has at the different Pueblos and how much he loves attending various feast days. He told me that he lived in the east mountains and has a ranch. He was concerned about some gun control legislation that was going to be taken up that day, which is why he was heading north that day.

When it comes to guns, he and I were diametrically opposed in our views. But, I found a way to communicate my concerns and try propose some ways that folks can take some responsibility for their guns should they choose to have them. We didn’t agree, but we had a good healthy discussion and were able to gain some mutual understanding.

Sitting there, face to face, just two people on train, I think we mostly enjoyed our chat. He actually really seemed like a sweet guy.

It’s pretty clear that our online personas can bring out the worst in one another, but I think if we just sat down and spent time with each other – no matter how different we might appear to be – we’d find commonality and hopefully connection. I think that’s what we really crave, but in these times, we’ve forgotten how to do it.

There are folks who might be hopeless in this regard. Some people take up knitting or pottery as a hobby, and others choose hate as a way to pass the time. This song is for those folks.

Dunce Cap Mask Brigade

Not fit to run but you can hide
Behind a browser ten tabs wide

You’ve got your freedoms 
And you’re flag!

Stations of the cross rifle bag

You are a card carrying member
Of the dunce cap hood brigade

Your style is 80 years too late
Never met a person you can’t hate

Carpet of hair upon your chest

Negative score on your IQ test

You are a card carrying member
Of the dunce cap hood brigade

You can’t help but fail
‘Cause you’ve got a hammer 
And everything looks like a nail
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Song #8 – Offending All The Passersby

A couple of months ago, my brother-in-law and I thought it would be a fun treat to take my daughter to the local Baskin-Robbins/Dunkin Donuts for some ice-cream. There’s a gentleman working there who has endeared himself in recent years by having a long braided red beard which dangles precariously close to the ice cream when he’s scooping our Jamoca Almond Fudge. We were excited to see him again, if only for the masochistic thrill of hoping that the beard might gently grope the frozen desserts in a collision of NASCAR level spectacle.

Unfortunately, he was not there this particular evening.

Instead we were treated to something akin to a Breaking Bad live-action role play while we waited our turn to peruse the famed 31 Flavors. First, there was this couple ahead of us, who were very friendly, but were clearly fans Sudafed related designer drugs. We watched, awestruck as they shouted the most incomprehensible and ill-timed selections at a poor counter girl. The girlfriend would ask for an array of donuts then quickly change her mind and ask for completely different ones, while the boyfriend would excitedly blurt “grilled cheese!” on occasion.

At first, this was amusing, but after about 10 minutes, it was getting old. To make matters worse, a couple of interesting looking young women burst into the store and just ignored the waiting queue altogether. There is a sculpture on the nearby UNM campus of a couple dancing that is seemingly made of melted plastic. These girls’ faces looked kind of like that. The first girl, had tire marks(!) on the back of her warmup pants and was rudely demanding the bathroom key from another counter girl who had been spending her time cramming as much ice cream as possible into a cardboard container. The second girl was blabbering her phone the entire time, negotiating some style of dubious pick up. Meanwhile “Grilled Cheese!” man was making sure the counter lady was aware that his item was done in the microwave.

My daughter said I was just standing there blinking furiously, which she says I do when I’m annoyed. Needless to say, patience prevailed as we did get our ice cream treats. My poor daughter was maniacally laughing in shock all the way home. Albuquerque, you are just so charming sometimes.

I don’t think this song is about that, but it could be.

Offending All The Passersby

Rank or Share this song below.
Passing through the open air
Hear you crystal clear

Drinking your own sweet supply
of Kool-Aid

May we put it all to bed
Sleeping dogs hit snooze

Kubrick landed on the moon
Airplanes draw perfume 

In the air 

Offending all the passersby
With your wooly gaze

Resting Bijan of low tide
On your face

May we give you all the room
The big hand ticks in tune

Kubrick landed on the moon
Airplanes draw perfume 

In the air 
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Song #7 – Icebox Magnet Status

If you’re going to have a name like Strange Magic, it’s probably a good idea to do something slightly trippy every once in a while. Just to change things up.

It feels like interest has fallen off in the past few weeks, which has made my enthusiasm wane a bit. I’m going to blame Wordle for this one. Unfortunately – unlike a tree falling in the forest – I require feedback. Give me a sign out there people! Is this thing on?

Because of Wordle, I dragged my feet getting this one recorded, and then I beat myself up for not getting it done in a timely manner. Like long walks, and eating vegetables, I need to remember that I always feel better after getting some music done.

Icebox Magnet Status

You know what to do
Something like, Erasing, Facing
Kind of Irritating, Misplacing
It’s over my head

I think we’re alright!

If you’re Implicating, Waiting
Making it, Frustrating
Saying, It’s over my head

I think you’re alright!

After all it’s not such a bad thing
To get lost and long for the wrong thing

Ever been, abating, trading
All of your playing
And praying
It’s of off your head

I think you’re alright!

Talk about the hating, staying
Wring your fingers, waiting 
Praying, it’s out my hands

I think we’re alright!

After all it’s not such a bad thing
To get lost and long for the wrong thing

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Song #6 – Many Multitudes

Sometimes a song just comes to you and you’re happy you have a guitar and a device to quickly get a sketch down. I really like this one, there’s something really immediate about it. It’s very simple, like an Roy Orbison or Buddy Holly song, of course done “a la mode“.

Since I haven’t yet done this since posting these weekly songs, I think this a great opportunity to illustrate the evolution of a song. Here’s the quick voice memo I recorded when I got the idea back on Dec 4th last year:

Very simple guitar pattern and 80% of the lyrics more or less written. Like I said, I got slapped in the face with this one.

In the interim, I decided that the main guitar line wasn’t very memorable. I kept fiddling and decided I wanted something a bit like The La’s “There She Goes”. That guitar line is up there as one of my favorite guitar parts of all time. Heck, it might be one of my favorite songs! As I recall, I was reminded of it when I later heard the opening to the Smashing Pumpkins song “Today” for the first time. That was a life-changing MTV viewing…

Back to the song. At first, the recording was getting to be a bit too twee for my liking. I nudged it in a slightly beefier direction and “viola!”, cool song. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Many Multitudes

It’s good right!? You should probably share this with your friends.
I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

They’ve seen you kicking ‘round 
this great big world

They like the jive that you give
They like the cut of your jib

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

You have a lot of fans
and you don’t even know

They like the things you don’t 
like about you, girl

They like that you give lip
To all the cool kids

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl

Been triple rainbows
Since you’ve been ‘round here
I’m glad you came though 
Even if there’s some tears
…’round here

I’ve heard a lot of things 
about you, girl
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Song #5 – One Day I Know I’ll Be Alright

This is another one of those “walkin’ ‘round” numbers that’s been churning in my buttery noggin for years. Only recently did I realize that I pulled the intro from the Fountains of Wayne song “Barbara H”. Let’s just call it a heavy handed homage shall we? 

I recently listened to that debut FoW album and realized how essential it was/is for my musical sensibilities. It’s a great album that sort of dresses clever Simon & Garfunkel / Brian Wilson type songs in 90’s garb. I was a real sucker for that sort of thing and I guess I still am. 

This song is one of those 2 parters that I like to do every so often. 80% is doing one thing and 20% another. The challenge with this was transitioning between the two, since it goes from 113 bpm @ 4/4 time to around 100 bpm @ 3/4 time. I stumbled into embracing the jarring nature of this transition. Does it work? I think so. What do you think?

Like it? You know what to do.

One Day I Know I’ll Feel Alright

One day…
I-don’t-wanna-run day
Chemistry’s fine
And I’ll sleep through the night 
Feelin’ alright!

They say…
The silver’s somewhere in the grey 
The kaleidoscope’s on
And we slip through the dawn
Feelin’ alright!

Sometimes I feel I’m going
Out of my head
Don’t think I’m gonna make it
Sometimes I feel I’m going
Out of my head 
I think I’m gonna make it
Think I’m gonna make it
Think I’m gonna make it

Instead of
Hiding under the bed
I put my shoes on
Wave to the mornin’
Feeling alright!

The say…
The storms will finally fade
The record is on
And the fever is gone
Feelin’ alright!

Sometimes it feels like I have bricks 
For feet, I’m constantly 
What’s in front me
Who’s that instead of me?
Is it just jealousy?
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Song #4 – Paging Mr. Incorrigible

Do you have a little voice in your head that says nasty things to you and makes you feel like dirt? I do. Let’s call my guy Warvier (a la Wario). He’s a real jerk and he knows all the best buttons to push. He doesn’t come around often, and most of the time I’m pretty good at ignoring him.

Last time he came around, I put him to work. I provided the music and he provided the lyrics. This is the song we wrote together. With a little separation I think it’s a funny (if not biting) song. I get the line “You’ve got your shoes untied and mustard on your sleeve” stuck in my head pretty often.

Paging Mr. Incorrigible

Got your feet tapping? Nice. Tippy-tap on that keyboard and give this a share. Thx!
There's a pot of trouble here
That’s constantly brewing
We can’t have nice things
‘Cause you don’t know 
What your doing

Put the cat back in the bag
Hoist up the off-white flag
You can always quit while 
You’re ahead!

You’re setting booby traps
Everywhere you tread
The lightbulbs will explode 
Mere inches from your head

Put Napoleon in his place
Throw tomatoes in his face!
You’ll regret it if he ever 
Learns how to win!

You’ve got your shoes untied 
And mustard on your sleeve
You’d mess up suicide 
You jay-walking pet peeve

Time to pack your garbage bags
And collect your thrift store rags
You don’t have to stay home 
But you can’t be here!
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Song #3 – She’s The One

When I’m out walking around or doing errands, I get little melodies stuck in my head. This one in particular has been with me for at least 20+ years. I’ll admit, my brain is probably just jumbling every Green Day song into one thing, but there are no rules against doing something with that jumble.

After watching the 2nd episode of the Get Back doc, I was so full of giddy inspiration, I stayed up past 1am just going through old snippets of things and fleshing things out. I never tried doing anything with this one because the “words” in my head were so simple and didn’t say much of anything. I reminded myself that sometimes songs don’t need to say much. I just went with it. Sometimes you just have to “Let It Be” as they say.

She’s The One

Like it? Please share this jam with your favorite ear-having people.
She’s the one 
They say
She’s all about someone
She’s the one 
They say
She’s all about me

Here I am 
You say
I’m all about no one
Here I am 
You say
I’m all about me

What’s happening to me?
I don’t know
Let’s do it all again

She’s the one
I say 
She’s all around awesome
She’s the one
I say 
She’s all I need

Here I am 
I say
I’m on about someone
Here I am 
I say
It’s not about me

What’s happening to me?
All I know
I’d do it all again
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Song #2 – The Pro In Procrastination

No, this isn’t “Song #2” by the acclaimed 90’s Brit-Pop group Blur. Not at all. This is simply the second of my weekly installments. It’s officially called “The Pro In Procrastination” because who can’t relate to that? I don’t know if I want to be friends with folks who can’t relate. I’d rather wait to be friends with them when they get around to relating.

I just realized while typing the lyrics that “Call Me By My Name” is a Lil’ Nas X song. There is also a movie called “Call Me By Your Name” that I haven’t seen. There is no connection to either, I thought it was an interesting phrase that matched the syllables of the song. What does it even mean? Please don’t sue me Mr. Nas X / movie company.

I was talking to somebody recently about this thing I’m doing, and explained my typical songwriting process. I mentioned that I’d post the original Voice Memo/”Mumble Jam” for the next song. Unfortunately, I can’t find the “Mumble Jam” for this one. I think I just remembered this song and recorded it. Which is highly unusual. Next time (hopefully).

The Pro In Procrastination

Hey you. If you like this song, please share it. Thx.
Hang around
For the man
With the things you like
With the thought
You don’t have it all

Hey, call me by my name!
What’s another day?

Kicking back
For the digital 
Blowing smoke
Up the rear
Take a

Hey, call me by your name!
What’s another day?

You see! 
You’re always waiting ‘round
Even if you’re lost!
Even if you’re found!
Don’t wait another day!
To make another sound
Don’t have to be incredible
Just edible
Don’t wait!

Hang around
For the man
With the things you like
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Song #1 – Stop Me If You’ve Heard This

Happy New Year people! So, as promised, I’m starting the year with a new song for your wonderful ears. As I mentioned previously, I plan on doing this on a weekly basis for at least 30 weeks.

I’ve had this one bouncing around in my brain for long long time, and I finally churned this recording out today in maybe 3.5 hours? Sometimes folks compare me to Elvis Costello, so I thought I’d really go for it this time. What do you think?

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One

A recycled melody
Is the best that I can do
Have you heard this one before?
All the way from Mersey/'Pool

This is the part where the
Chorus is sung!
It’s cool to see how the
Sausage is done!

This is a 3rd part and it’s just for fun!

Here’s a two-part harmony
For the kids at home from school
Got a well stocked armory
of tuneful tricks just for you!

Here’s a major blues scale with suspense!
It’s a Golden Gate in present tense!
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Song #0 – Irish Goodbye In Reverse

Lately, since there’s not much else to do, I’ve been writing up a storm, fleshing out ideas that have been sitting on my voice recorder app for years. By last count, I’ve got about 30 songs ready to record. I’d like to do things differently in the coming year. So, dear reader, you can expect a new song for your ears every week or so. To pique your interest, here’s one. It’s called “Irish Goodbye In Reverse“. This is a song about the time Lorne Michaels of SNL offered a comedic amount of money to reunite The Beatles, which John and Paul happened to be watching together that very night.

This is the thing I was talking about up there ☝🏽

Irish Goodbye In Reverse

Two of them
sitting in the TV room
Lighting up a smoke or two
With nothing to prove

The producer 
Talking from across the screen
Offering a bundle of green 
To empty out the woodwork

Wouldn’t it be a laugh
If we stole a yellow cab
From the park to the 30
To the rock all the people

Wouldn’t it be a scream 
If we showed up on the screen
With our finest 
Irish goodbye 
in reverse

Two of them
sitting the TV room
Lighting up a smoke or two
With nothing to prove

The picture
After the saxophone
Waving to the folks at home
canvas of color and a dial tone

There is no bridge
To take us to what 
could have been
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